Akar - Engine

Akar - Engine

Category: Machine & Motor
Gearless Elevator Motor:

Such motors are generally preferred in elevator systems to provide high speed, quietness and smooth operation. The rotational movement of the motor directly without using gears provides the elevator car movement. Due to the absence of gears, maintenance requirements can be reduced and energy efficiency increased.

Beltsys® Belt Gearless System:

This system provides elevator car movement via belts. Belt systems are often used in tall buildings and longer journeys, providing lower energy consumption and quieter operation. It can also help achieve a smoother movement.

Geared Elevator Motor:

Geared elevator systems are generally used in situations that require high carrying capacity. In such systems, the rotational motion of the motor is converted into elevator car motion by gears. Geared systems can have a higher load carrying capacity.

We respond to all your elevator needs with our wide product range! In our stocks, there are Gearless Elevator Motors that prioritize efficiency and ease of use, Beltsys® Belt Gearless Systems that offer quiet and reliable performance, and Geared Elevator Motors, which are preferred when high carrying capacity is required. We are happy to be a reliable partner in your elevator projects with our customized solutions."

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